July 2021
Notice: This project website provides basic information about the project and its formal outputs while the project is running. In addition, we are now providing all project results through the Legume Hub – Europe’s knowledge platform for legumes. In addition to the project results, the Legume Hub provides a wide range of publications compiled within the Legumes Translated thematic network and by the wider Legume Hub community.
Practice notes
Legumes Translated practice notes are designed to provide easy access to knowledge on specific themes in the production and use of legume crops. The range of practice notes will increase as the project progresses.
Practice notes list
PN1 Inoculation of soybean seed, in English, Romanian and French
PN2 Inter-row cultivation in soybean, in English
PN3 Biological nitrogen fixation in legumes, in English
PN4 Cultivation of white lupin, in English and German
PN5 Alternatives to soya for dairy cows, in English
PN6 Feeding faba bean to dairy cows, in English
PN7 Feeding pea to dairy cows, in English
PN8 Establishing high-yielding faba bean, in English
PN9 Precision sowing of soybean, in English
PN10 Feeding quality of pea for poultry, in English
PN11 Sowing time for soybean, in English
PN12 Lucerne in north-western Europe, in English
PN13 Southern green shield bug in soybean, in English
PN14 Growing lucerne in cool climates, in English
PN15 The painted lady in soybean production, in English
PN16 Growing spring-sown pea in south-east Europe, in English
PN17 Intercropping of grain pea with cereals, in English
PN18 Feeding quality of faba bean for poultry, in English
PN19 Erbsenanbau für die Schweinemast, in German
PN20 Feeding pea to poultry, in English
PN21 Mites in soybean production, in English
PN22 Harvesting and storing lucerne, in English
PN23 Harvesting soybean, in English
PN24 Feeding faba bean to poultry in practice, in English
PN25 Erbsen in der Schweinemast, in German
PN26 Winter pea in south-east Europe, in English
PN27 Drill-seeding of soybean, in English
PN28 Feeding lucerne to dairy cows, in English
PN29 Phosphorus fertilisation of faba bean, in English
PN30 Choosing soybean cultivars, in English
PN31 Risk management of downy mildew in soybean, in English
PN32 Legume quality requirements for fish feed, in English
PN33 Thermal treatment of faba bean for flavour improvement, in English
PN34 Krankheitsbekämpfung bei Ackerbohnen, in German
PN35 Southern green shield bug in soybean, in Russian
PN36 Mais-Bohnen-Gemengeanbau, in German
PN37 Choosing soybean cultivars, in Russian
PN38 Nutzung von Erbsen aus eigenem Anbau, in German
PN39 Disease control in faba bean, in English
PN40 Biological nitrogen fixation by crops, in Russian
PN41 Irrigation of lupin, in English
PN42 Sortenwahl bei Sommerackerbohnen, in German
PN43 Sowing time for soybean, in Romanian
PN44 Sowing time for soybean, in Russian
PN45 Water use and irrigation in soybean, in English
PN46 Cold-pressed soybean for poultry, in English
PN47 Bewertung von Ackerbohne und Erbse als Futtermittel, in German
PN48 Valuing faba bean and pea for feed, in English
PN49 Southern green shield bug in soybean, in Romanian
PN50 Cultivation of white lupin, in Russian
PN51 Cultivation of white lupin, in Romanian
PN52 Feeding extruded soybean to pigs, in English
PN53 Biological nitrogen fixation in legumes, in Romanian
PN54 Drill-seeding of soybean, in Romanian
PN55 Drill-seeding of soybean, in Russian
PN56 Nutritional value of grain legumes, in English
PN57 Mechanical weed control in peas, in German
PN58 Inter-row cultivation in soybean, in Romanian
PN59 Inter-row cultivation in soybean, in Russian
PN60 The painted lady in soybean production, in Croatian
PN61 Maize and runner bean intercropping, in English
PN62 Effects of soybean cropping on arthropods, in English
PN63 Cultivar selection for spring faba bean, in English
PN64 Effect of soybean cropping on floral diversity, in English
PN65 Dehulled grain legumes for food, in English
PN66 There is a grain legume for every field, in English
PN67 Red clover silage, in English
PN68 The bean seed beetle in faba bean, in English
PN69 Forage legumes for a cool climate, in English
PN70 Why farmers grow lupin, in English
PN71 Sclerotina stem rot in soybean, in English
PN72 Sommer- und Wintererbsen, in German
PN73 Erbsen in der Sauenfütterung, in German
PN74 Growing soybean in north-western Europe, in English
PN75 Körnerleguminosen: Klimawandel und Klimaansprüche, in German
PN76 Growing faba bean and pea in the Nordic region, in English
Here you find the access to the practice notes of the main themes of the Legumes Translated project: