Our ninth video - 'Lupin cultivation - Success with new varieties' is available on the Legume Hub YouTube channel. The video is available is German with subtitles in English and Hungarian.

After the cultivation of white lupines was no longer possible for a long time due to the fungal disease anthracnose, hope is restored thanks to the new varieties 'Frida' and 'Sulimo'. Christine Arncken from FiBL presents the cultivation of white lupins under organic conditions and present encouraging results from her field trials.
More information
Christine Arncken-Karutz, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FiBL, Departement of Crop Sciences, christine.arncken(at)fibl.org
Ninth Legumes Translated Video: 'Lupin cultivation - Success with new varieties'
From the 'Lupin cultivation - Success with new varieties' video